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Ronald Reagan Roast of Frank Sinatra

Ronald Reagan before he was President. Ronald Reagan is and was the most talented orator I’ve ever heard.  He flows so evenly and with such grace.  He could tell you the White House was nuked this morning and everybody wouldn’t have one concern after he tells the public,…it will be ok, we will rise above this and overcome this small mountain.  Fear not fellow Americans, we will survive.  All with that tone that would calm a hurricane on your front lawn.  Too bad he is not with us.  He wouldn’t have any problem being re-elected.

Ronald Reagan, frank Sinatra, Don Rickles, Dean Martin, Orson Welles, Jimmy Stewart, and Gene Kelly… WOAH

If Frank Sinatra was president, he would have had it his way.

Why be President if you have to give up being a king

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