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Sergeant Bilko – Fred Gwynn is “The Stomach”

Excerpt from episode 9 of “The Phil Silvers Show” Brilliant performance by Fred Gwynn as the champion eater who has lost his appetite.
If you like Bilko, why not go to the PhilSilversShowTV youtube channel?

This is one of the best Bilko episodes ever! Nat Hiken was a total genius, and Fred Gwynne “nailed it” as “The Stomach!” One interesting point of this episode, is that all the songs Ernie played were all written by Jule Styne who was a personal friend of Phil Silvers. He also appeared as himself in one of the episodes!!

Later The Stomach enters a contest with the camp eating champion, a huge bully named Hog Henderson. At the outset Fred, still in a fog of absent-minded misery, says “Hello, Hog.” And Henderson turns into a starstruck fan: “He called me Hog! The Stomach remembered my name!”

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